Privacy Policy


Apps Dynasty respect the privacy of its users as the topmost level of importance. We are dedicated to guard the User’s information, be it yours or your child’s. We believe that you have a right to know our practices regarding the information we may gather and use when you useour mobile applications such as games/apps/sites.



By retrieving and/or using the Service, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy, including to the possible gathering and processing of your Private Information (as defined below). Please note: if you disagree to any term provided herein, you may not access or use the Service.


Cookies & Local Storage

When you contact or use the Service, we may use industry-wide technologies such as “cookies” and Flash (or similar technologies), which store firm information on your device (“Local Storage”) and which will allow us to enable automatic activation of certain features, and make your Service practise much more suitable and uncomplicated. Most browsers and platforms will allow you to erase cookies from your device, block receiving of cookies, or receive a caution before a cookie is stored. In order to delete or restrict the Local Storage option in Flash you should use the settings option of Flash according to the specific instructions provided by the technology provider. The cookies used by the Service are produced per session, do not include or gather any information about you, other than your session key and are removed as the session ends. It is easy to disallow the Local Storage. However, if you block or remove cookies, or change the settings of Flash, your online experience may be limited. We may also use certain third-party cookies (e.g. Google Authentication). These are a different kind of cookies, stored on your computer by third parties, rather than by the Company. Third-party cookies store only Non-personal Information; such as the different pages you have visited strictly within the Service (such the “About” page; “Contact Us” page, the duration of your browsing, etc.). This kind of cookie is only read (and not altered by the Service) each time you visit the Service.


Direct Marketing & Advertising

We accept appropriate advertisements from Third Party advertisers. These advertisers are carefully selected to provide information about products and services that we think may be of attention to our Users. We recommend that you review the terms of use and privacy policy for any advertiser and Third Party with which you are interrelating before doing so. Their privacy policy, not ours, will apply to any of those connections. Note that if you click on any of these advertisements, these advertisers may use cookies and other web-tracking technologies to collect non-personal and/or personal information about you.



We take a great care in sustaining the security of the Service and your information and in averting unauthorized access to it through industry standard technologies and internal procedures, including through the use of encryption mechanisms. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access will never take place.


In App Purchase (IAP)

We provide some features or item to be bought or unlocked as in game or app purchases through the mechanism provided by the app store (Google, Apple etc.). We take it for granted that any IAP made by you or your child is with your full knowledge, understanding and consent. As we do not force or fool the user to make any IAP so the company would not be responsible for any refund or claim whatsoever regarding IAP.


Information Sharing

We may share Information only in the following cases:

(a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process,subpoena or governmental request;

(b) to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues;

(c) to enforce this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use, including investigation of potential violations thereof;

(d) when Company is enduring any change in control, including by means of merger, attainment or buying of all or substantively all of the assets of Company;

(f) to let our partners and affiliates serve You with contextual advertisements only;

(g) to respond to claims that any content published on the Service violates any right of a third-party;

(h) pursuant to your approval, in order to supply certain services, you have requested from Company;

(i) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Company, its Users or the general public;


Online Use

Apps Dynasty allows the use of some features of its Service and some Products offline (without the use of internet). Offline use of the Service and Products will prevent the collection of any information concerning to you and/or your use of the Service or Products (including, as applicable, information pertaining to your child and their use) by any Third Parties (defined below) and/orApps Dynasty


Offline Use

Apps Dynasty does not collect any information from its Users. Some information may nonetheless be collected through third party services used by Apps Dynasty such as advertising networks, push notification services or others (“Third Parties”) and stored on such Third Parties’ servers.


Non-Personal Information

·       Apps Dynasty allows Third parties to collect non-personal information or non-identifiable information (“Non-Personal Information”). To put it simply, with respect to such Non-Personal Information we have no idea what is the identity of the User from which Third Parties have collected the Non-personal Information.

·       Non-Personal Information collected by Third Parties may include the following technical information:

·       Type of operation system (e.g. Android, iOS, etc.)

·       Language (e.g. English)

·       Device Vendor (e.g. Galaxy, HTC, iPhone, etc.)

·       Geo-location: Only general location may be collected. No street name or city/town name is collected.

·       Type of browser (e.g. Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)

·       Screen resolution (e.g. 800X600, 1024X768, etc.)

·       Persistent User Identifier and No Other Personal Information:

·       Persistent User Identifier and No Other Personal Information:

·       Third Parties may also collect from Users a persistent User identifier. Apps Dynasty allows for this information to be collected strictly for internal procedures of the Service including serving you with contextual advertisement (“contextual advertisement” are ads that are served to you without connection to any behavioural elements).

·       Apps Dynasty does not allow Third Parties to collect information that may identify an individual (other than the obstinate User identifier which is collected for the limited purpose of internal operations of the Service) nor does it allow the collection of any information of private and/or sensitive nature (“Personal Information”).

·       Apps Dynasty does not allow any personal information to be linked to the persistent identifier, even from other services.



To use of Site/App/Games, you must be over the age of thirteen. Therefore, we do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under the age of thirteen and does not wish to do so. We reserve the right to request proof of age at any stage so that we can verify that minors under the age of thirteen are not using the Site.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of the Service and any information collected therein. Company reserves the right to change this policy at any time, so please re-visit this page frequently. In case of any material change, we will make rational efforts to post a clear notice on the Service. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” and your continued use of the Service on or the Last Revised date will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.


Questions and Feedback

If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy, You are most welcome to send us an email to the following address: and we will make an effort to reply within a reasonable time frame. We reserve the right to change our policies any time.